A Positive Outlook Can Change Your Life !

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

The power to transform your life starts with positive thoughts.

What you give your focus and attention to, is where the energy of life flows. Your life is shaped by your thoughts- so if you are worrying about something, then you are actually giving energy to that worry. Very often, you will find that your worry manifests in your life! Exactly what you DON’T want to happen does, in fact, happen.

More and more people are experiencing that their thoughts do shape their reality. Try thinking positive thoughts instead- and you will find that your life changes in a positive manner. When you’re feeling down, it may seem hard to imagine that your thoughts are so powerful. Being positive when you’re worried seems impossible. It sounds too simple to be true- but if you consciously turn your worries into positive thinking, you will notice that slowly but surely your reality will change.

Changing your negative thoughts into positive ones requires determination and will power, but with some practice you can achieve this. Become aware of your thoughts. Are they despairing, steeped in negativity and foreboding? Well then, be aware that what you fear may just come true, unless you make a conscious effort to change your thinking!
Here’s an exercise to help you steer your thoughts around and make them shape the reality you wish to live in.

Let go of your worries, whatever they may be, and however dark they may seem at present. Think, instead, of what you would wish your reality to be. Take a piece of paper, or make a note in your journal every day. Write down any five things that you are truly grateful for which you already have…and five things that you wish to have in your life.
Make sure you use only the present tense. I am grateful for my loving parents. I am grateful that I have good health, and I am grateful for the learning opportunities that are unfolding in my life! Even when you write about what you wish to happen in your life, use the present tense. Visualize your deepest wishes as though they are already a reality! So if you want to study abroad, then write: I have received admission in the college of my dreams! I am so grateful that I am able to get the education I have always desired. Express your deepest wishes on paper, and do this every single day.

Keep reading what you have written a couple of times every day. You may add colour and depth to your wish journal. Write about what you are doing when you have your wish. Describe your life as you would wish it to be. Always remember to use the present tense, as though you have already realized your desires.

Try this, for a month…and you will be surprised at the power of positive visualization ! Do write in to let us know if you have been able to manifest your desires, using this simple tool !

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