HCG Bulletin October 2017 – Editorial

newsDays and weeks are flying by so fast; and it’s hard to imagine we are already in November! Once again it’s time for our monthly roundup post where we share all the news and views across all the HCG offices. We’ve had an amazing year so far, with loads of events and activities that have gone toward achieving our mission of Innovation, Caring and Excellence. Our workshop and seminar numbers are increasing, and we have conducted numerous classes in many cities. Busy days indeed!

Stress is a silent killer and has been found to be at the root of many diseases including migraine, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. We bring you an article on proven techniques to handle stress.  Learn how to stay chill in the most stressful situation and you will not only handle your issues better, but you will have better health!

Ther’s good news for nurses who wish to work in the UK…1st November onwards, the OET is being accepted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for overseas-trained nurses and midwives. We bring you an article and reference links for further reading

Please do send in your comments and any news snippets you’d like to share.You can write in to usha@mwtedu.com.

Keep smiling!

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