Marketing Year 2014!

MWT has declared 2014 as the Marketing Year across all its offices, and we are sure this will provide considerable impetus and focus to our marketing efforts this year. We at the MWT Bulletin have put together a few tips to get your campaigns rolling!

Tip #1 – Stellar Customer Service

This tip is so obvious, we almost feel we needn’t even mention it. Keep your customers smiling and coming back for more- and chances are that they will recommend you to their friends as well! Easier said than done? Make proper follow-up plans with each customer, and make sure that you keep up all your promises. Creating a solid customer base has always been the one underlying factor that contributes to business success.

Tip #2 –  Personalized Email Communication

It has been found that creating a steady flow of email communication for customers , which are created based on  individual preferences, works really well in attracting new customers. Make sure that the subject line and content are personalized based on each customer segment.

Tip #3 – Social Marketing

In today’s internet savvy world, social networking is the new-age marketing tool. Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, LinkedIn contacts, and online competitions are the order of the day, and if you want your product to succeed you don’t have a choice but to jump on the social marketing bandwagon!

Tip #4 – Connect with angry customers and set things right!

Face it, you are bound to get customers who are not-so-happy with you as well. The ravers and ranters will always be there, and it pays to connect with them and go the extra mile to set right any issues they may have. Nip any detrimental comments in the bud as negative feedback can be very harmful to a growing company. In many a case, the nitpickers may actually be so happy with the response from your side that they would be your loyal customers for life.

Tip #5 – Network at marketing events, and create your own

To get noticed, you must be noticeable. Attend every marketing event in town, and make your presence felt. Sponsor events at colleges or University festivals; create dazzling Product launches, and spread the good word around. The money spent on getting yourself noticed is money well spent, in the long run.

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