Since the year 1890, crossword puzzles have fascinated and flummoxed puzzle lovers worldwide. Here is a puzzle that’s designed to bring out the businessperson in you.
Do send in your answers to mwtbulletin@mwtedu.com













CLUES: (all down)

1. The ….. to the new product has been very good.
2. The market which the company hopes to attract is called the ….. market.
3 A company’s market can have a high or low ….. rate.
4. A class of goods which is the product of a particular company or producer (“What is your favourite ..of Shoes?”)
5. ….. buying is the purchasing of goods that one does not really want.
6. Market ….. is a detailed study to find out what kinds of goods consumers want.
7 ….. is the extent to which a company gains a share of the market.
8 Most companies have a marketing ….. which is a plan to decide how the marketing will be carried out.
9. A ….. market is one in which goods are easily sold.
10. This is an arrangement by which a monopoly producer gives a trader the right to sell goods in a particular area.
11. This is a sign, representing a company name which is often used as a trade mark.
12. This is part of the market.

Find the word 13

And, finally- here are the answers to last month’s puzzle. Ms. Anju Krishnan is the winner of Puzzle 1….Congratulations, Anju!

Answers to PUZZLE – 1

1. One Word
2. XIX when one is taken out , it remains XX
3. 99/.99
4. Y – Why
6. C and Y

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