Puzzle Time!

Put on your thinking caps, and work out the answers to these clever puzzles! Do send in your answers to enquiry@mwtgroup.in.  The early bird gets the prize!

1.    Rearrange the following letters to make just one word: NEW DOOR
2.   Write nineteen in such a way that that if one is taken out, then it becomes twenty.
3.   Can you arrange four 9’s and use a maximum of 2 math symbols to get a total of 100?
4.   Which alphabet letter is a question ?
5.   There is a five letter word which has 3 consonants ( all are the same ) and 2 different vowels . Clue: There is something wrong about the word ! Can you guess what the word is?
6.   The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Try to figure out how!

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