THE MWT BULLETIN – January 2013

This may sound trite, but its true- it’s so hard to believe another year has gone by! We hope you were as excited to ring in the New Year as we all were at the MWT Bulletin. The Mayans did thankfully have it wrong and 2012 did not spell the end of the world, as they had gloomily predicted. So here we are in 2013- fresh and vibrant and full of the promise of delightful new beginnings!

Every day is precious, and we should live each minute with that fact in mind. There are new challenges to face with each coming year, and new goals to be achieved. All of us must introspect on the lessons last year has taught us, think of incidents where we succeeded beyond our own expectations and ponder on what we must do to make this year even better! Let’s together scale new heights at MWT, and keep our eyes on ever higher targets!

Clothes make the man (and the woman!) it is said, and the MWT Education team has taken this adage to heart. With a smart new dress code at work, our staff is raring to go and create great first impressions! We bring you some pictures showcasing their new look.

Life goes on as usual across all our offices. New recruitments for the coming year are happening at a frenetic pace and soon our next batch will be flying ‘down under’. We’re revisiting all that happened last year, and making bright new resolutions for the coming year.

So goodbye for now…and have a great start to 2013! We leave you now with some simple tips on how to stay on top of your life!

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