World Health News: World Diabetes Day

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world diabetics day
World Diabetes Day was first introduced in 1991, and founded by both the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization. In reaction to the rise in cases of Diabetes .worldwide, it was decided to choose a day of the year to raise awareness of Diabetes and related causes. The day chosen was the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, a medical scientist who co-discovered Insulin and was the first person to use it on humans.

The logo of World Diabetes Day is a blue circle, and this is recognised by hundreds of thousands of people with diabetes throughout the world.

Burden of Diabetes:

Diabetes is a major non-communicable disease (NCD). Globally, the World Health Organisation estimates that more than 346 million people worldwide have diabetes.

Diabetes also imposes lifelong demands on people living with the condition and their families. If left undiagnosed or poorly treated, diabetes can cause complications such as blindness, kidney failure, limb amputations, heart attacks and stroke.

Annually, approximately 1 in 700 of all diabetics develop kidney failure requiring dialysis. In 2010, approximately 1 in 110 diabetics suffered a heart attack, 1 in 140 diabetics suffered a stroke, and 1 in 400 underwent lower limb amputations.

diabetics day
World Diabetes Day is an international event to raise awareness about diabetes, celebrated every year on 14 November.

World Diabetes Day 2015 will focus on healthy eating, which is a key factor in managing type 1 diabetes and helping to manage and prevent type 2 diabetes.

Act to change your life!



Lifestyle changes (achieving a healthy body weight and moderate physical activity) can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. Weight loss improves insulin resistance and reduces hypertension. People who are overweight or obese should therefore be encouraged to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Physical activity is one of the main pillars in the prevention of diabetes. Increased physical activity is important in maintaining weight loss and is linked to reduced blood pressure, reduced resting heart rate, increased insulin sensitivity, improved body composition and psychological well-being.
A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for health. A healthy diet reduces risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Other behaviors to consider include:
Smoking: a well-established risk factor for many chronic diseases, including diabetes and its complications. As well as other harmful effects, smoking increases abdominal fat accumulation and insulin resistance.
Stress and depression: There is evidence of a link between depression and both diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Sleeping patterns: Both short (<6h) and long (>9h) sleep durations may be associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation may impair the balance of hormones regulating food intake and energy balance.



World Health Day 2016 will be dedicated to diabetes!

This announcement was made public by Dr Etienne Krug, WHO Director of NCD Prevention and Control, at the launch of the World Diabetes Day campaign during the 68th  World Health Assembly in Switzerland.



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