HCG Bulletin – June 2017 Editorial

11This summer has been a time of great opportunities at HCG. The numbers and strength of our workshops are increasing across the board, and we are able to reach out to more and more students across the world. We have many new campaigns in place, and it excites us to see all our efforts bear fruit! We have grown as a family and we thank every one of you for helping us achieve our goals through your sincere contributions.

More and more students are looking to expand their horizons through study abroad programs. Opportunities in countries like Australia, the US, UK, and Canada are expanding especially in the field of healthcare, and if your dream has been to make a career abroad, there is no time like now to get started. The future is yours, so seize the moment and make it happen!

World Environment Day was celebrated on June 5th, and our students planted saplings to show our solidarity with the mission to initiate positive action to protect nature. Every other day we see ominously portentous movies on TV that shine a light on nature’s fury − and predict a dark future for humanity, if we do not do our bit to save the environment. Let’s awaken to the realisation that we must be aware of our dwindling resources, and must try to reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can. So this means more car- pooling, using less water, recycling, composting, reducing electricity usage…there is so much we can do to help. Just be aware.

As always, we share with you news and pictures of all our activities this past month. We encourage all our readers to send in your views as well, so that we can forge closer connections with each of you. Let your voices be heard! Do write in to usha@mwtedu.com.

Until next month, then! Stay blessed and stay strong.

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