THE MWT BULLETIN – February 2013

February is typically a quiet month everywhere. It’s the time of the year when people give up broken New Year resolutions (!)….shake off the holiday mood, and get back to serious work! New deadlines are set, performances appraised, and all our teams are sharpening their skills. This past month, personality development sessions and training in soft skills were the order of the day across our offices. We look forward to reaping the benefits of these sessions, with amazing presentations and sparkling personalities all around!

In keeping with all these sea-changes in personality, our new office premises at Vytilla are also being refurbished and the work is almost complete. This office will be fully functional next month.

Month after month, our dedicated staff are training new batches of talented and motivated young students, and sending them to fulfill their dreams in Australia. Good luck to all our talented youngsters; may you keep the MWT banner flying high overseas!

Statistics tell us that working people spend approximately 70% of their waking hours at work. That sure is a huge chunk out of your life spent at MWT! We are sure all of you are very happy with your work life, as MWT is such a great place to work. To increase your work happiness quotient even more, we bring you some great tips on how to be happy at work.

So read on…and keep smiling!

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