HCG Bulletin January 2018 Editorial

ggHello again, and we wish all our readers a wonderful New Year that’s vibrant and promising. Here’s to delightful new beginnings!

A new year means new beginnings, fresh new ideas and renewed energy. If you’ve been thinking of making positive changes in your life, there’s no time like now! Maybe you’d like to eat better, work with more passion, exercise every day, cut down on coffee…whatever they may be, good luck with all your resolutions! Start small, set your goals and make one change at a time. As you achieve each small step, add the next goal that takes you closer to your overall change. We bring you an article on the benefits of regular physical activity, to inspire you and get you started!

Every month, our dedicated teams are training new batches of talented and motivated young students, and sending them to fulfill their dreams in leading universities overseas. We are partnering up with more institutions abroad and this gives our students better chances of getting placed well. The numbers are growing, and we wish all of you good luck! May you keep the HCG banner flying high!

As always, we document the news from across all our offices. If you’d like to voice your thoughts and share them with the rest of our readers, do send in your news and views to usha@mwtedu.in.

We’ll catch up again next month!



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